- SS-V: 3000 Cooling fin
Test No. VT01 Find the temperature of the insulated end of a cooling fin surrounded by fluid with the other end maintained at constant temperature.
- SS-V: 3010 Insulated Wall
Test No. VT02 Find temperatures at firebrick and insulating brick surfaces in an insulated wall.
- SS-V: 3020 Cylinder with Prescribed Heat Flux
Test No. VT03 For a cylinder loaded with a prescribed heat flux, find the temperature at the boundary between where flux is applied and the rest of the side surface.
- SS-V: 3030 Heat Generating Plate
Test No. VT04 Find temperature at the mid-plane of a heat generating steel plate and the heat flow rate to the fluid the plate is heating.
- SS-V: 3040 Heat Generating Wire
Test No. VT05 Find the temperature at the centerline and surface of a heat generating wire.
- SS-V: 3050 Table Frame
Test No. VT06 Find temperature at points A, B, C, and D of an eight tube assembly.
- SS-V: 3060 Thermal
Test No. VT07 Find the temperature on a plate with prescribed temperature and convection loads.
- SS-V: 3070 Transient Thermal
Test No. VT08 Find the temperature distribution on a beam subjected to transient thermal load.